Do you have a home built in the 60's, 70's or 80's? Chances are you have an 8′ tall ceiling in your kitchen AND often a bulky overhead soffit or bulkhead located directly above your upper cabinets? For whatever strange reason, this was all the rage in building during these three decades. If you're considering a kitchen renovation, investigate having this "design element" removed. The likelihood of it containing any plumbing pipes or HVAC ducts is often low and it's removal allows for extra cabinetry height and the addition of decorative moldings. Not only does this alteration distinctly transform the look of your kitchen into the modern era, it also allows for cabinet storage that you didn't have previously. With a 9′ ceiling, this would allow for what is called "double stacked" cabinetry - great for display if glass fronted or for tucking away seasonal items if solid wood. With an 8′ ceiling getting rid of the soffit simply provides taller upper cabinets and an improved look. I can't recall a renovation in many years where we didn't pull out the soffit - it's often the easiest visual change we can make in a kitchen renovation.