My least favorite chore: cleaning the tops of my kitchen cabinets! We have 9′ ceilings in our kitchen and our cabinetry does not extend all of the way up leaving a 12″ space which allows for a lovely accumulation of greasy dust. I devised a really easy way to tackle this chore: wax paper! Simply cut the wax paper to fit over the top of the cabinet so that it doesn't show. When it's time to clean them the next time, just remove the old paper, dirt and all, and toss it out. It has to be wax paper and not aluminum foil or parchment paper as the wax helps both to weight the paper down so it doesn't curl up and to attract the dirt and dust so it stays stuck to the paper. Not a glamorous tip by any means, but a true time saver to help improve an otherwise unpleasant chore!